Hey Peeps...
Well anywayz, it surprises me that someone may even stumble upon this page after it's owner abandons it for quite some time... Looking back on it, there's practically only a few post since the start of the year, few as in an amount that could be counted on one hand! But hey, since this humble abode is still alive, and I fell like typing up stuff, I'll just continue doing what I love... Rambling nonsense! hehe...
So anywayz, what's with the solemn title? Well, for one, a title can usually mislead people into thinking that's what the content is about, or it can actually be the essence of the content. And unfortunately in this very context, it's the essence of the post~ hehe... So I bid farewell to the readers who doesn't like serious ramblings. Cos that's what this post is about. =)
People say, when life throw lemons at you, make a lemonade. When life gives you problem, go forth and solve it rather than running away from it. But in truth, when dealing with people, sometimes don't you think it's better to run away and take your time out? Hehehe... (ok, well, it doesn't really matter if you agree or not really) I actually wiki-ed exile and it says that one of the meanings is that 'isolating oneself to be able to devote time to a particular thing'.
So I'm actually taking a leave of absence... (like I haven't done that before from the blogsphere :P) Exiling myself to devote time for what? For myself. Hehehe... Yeah, sounds pretty selfish if you ask me, but hey, people need sometime to themselves at times, don't they? But in this era of mass communication, it's pretty hard to do so without one knowing a safe rural haven to run to, right? Preferably a cave of some sort!

So in my point of view, to exile oneself to devote time to oneself nowadays would only mean a few things...
One; taking a break from all your social networking pages (i.e Facebook in particular!) so that you won't really be bothered by some pretty picture you've been tagged in or notifications of some distant friend saying a simple hi!. Yeah, I do sound cold but in truth, that's what I had to do myself since I'm practically addicted to that site... sigh... It's probably for the better as well, to train myself to lessen that unnecessary dependency on that site.
Two; some people are persistent and thereby you have to either switch off your phones (which maybe would be dangerous if you had urgent stuff to use it) or just change number for a while! hehehe... Only a few people should know your new number, the important ones only. [maybe a member of the family so they could update you if anything happened].
Three; just leave the internet completely. Unless you expect important e-mails and such. hehehe...
Sounds like drastic measures to be taken to exile one's self isn't it? But a person's got to do what they've got to do to gain what they want to gain. Ok, that last sentence sounds like it doesn't make sense for some reason. Some people might even ask, why the heck do you wanna do something to that extent?
Well... there's actually many reason to exile one's self from the community at times... Well, I'm probably going to list down a few that's probably led me to such drastic measures~ hehehe... Yeah, as people may know I'm actually an internet addict, in particular, Facebook.
One; you have something important to do, one that would need you to lessen distractions and you're real bad at prioritizing. LoL, ok, i'm just describing myself there...
Two; you just need some time to yourself, to get back to yourself, to reconnect with your innerself if people believe that~ You know, sometimes when we forget to focus our life around ourselves, we tend to shed away our 'self' - believes, what we hold on to, hope, dreams, wishes etc. You get the point. These stuff defines who we are...
Three; you just need some 'me' time. Yeah, that sounds so immature at first glance but you do! At times, the world just seems very unbearable (beats me, I dunno why it happens) and you just need to run away and come back anew! LoL. Or you just need time to pamper yourself! hahaha... The point is, you need time for yourself, leaving behind (only for a while) that self usually follows what others around you dictates! wee...
I'll just leave it up to three... But most reasons would probably focus on one thing. You just need time to yourself since it's self-exile rather than being exiled by others~ And hey, I've do it again... Silent for ages and come back with a huge post. Well, I just can't stop typing when I start~ hehehe... But yeah, since it is my lil domain in the www i guess i can use it however i like! :P
That's probably all for this post. A lil impromptu like any of my other posts i guess... Well, yeah, let's just say this blog is for my many impromptu posts! who cares~
Later dude and dudettes~
cyid out, for how long? even i don't know...