Monday, October 13, 2008

RoCK CLiMBiNG aNYoNe?!?!?!

Well... maybe not exactly rock... just a wall carved or made to be like rock... but still... anyone for climbing? I, for god knows what reason, joined the climbing and hiking club (even though I'm terrified of heights!) and today was the first ever climbing session...

So after breaking my fast (or having my break/fast) which was only a few gulps of water btw, I headed for Trinity College Dublin which was extremely huge after I entered the main gate... God... and i was supposed to find the sports center at the very end of the college... It was funny, interesting and well, one heck of a new experience venturing into unknown territories... I asked around and finnaly made it to the sports center.

Once I stepped into the climbing hall/room thinggy, I was shocked. It wasn't too high, but high enough to actually throw me all the way back home cos i started to feel scared, terrified even... but heck, i came all the way there... there was some excitement but fear was more dominant inside of me then...

I was a half-an-hour early, so i just sat and watched the preceeding group climb. When it came to our turn, i just took the lil courage that i had left inside of me and walked up to the intructor guy. He taught me how to tie the rope and all but heck, i was too nervous to remember then!

Then the time came... I started climbing... which got harder and scarier as i was higher into the air... God knows how much i weigh... try imagining me falling down and pulling up the anchor (da intructor guy) up! but thankfully, i didn't slip... Yet!

Then all of a sudden, i couldn't find anything to climb and pull myself up with... I slipped and probably dangled for a few seconds. Then my adrenalin probably kicked in and i scrambled for the wall! I tried climbing higher... nearly reaching the top but suddenly, my arm kindda shook like mad. It probably couldn't handle the enormous weight anymore...

"Urm... Could I come down now?!?!?!"

I looked down... terrifying view it was... but then the intructor smiled.

"Yeah sure... just walk yourself down" which would sound awfully weird but thatkfully, i wasn't the first so i knew what he meant! So i kindda slowly walked down.

"Well done, that was great!" Yeah right... thanx...

"I couldn't go up anymore after I fell..." That was all i could master at the time...

So then... I lost all the eagerness to climb some more... So i just sat and watch... Maybe next week might be better? Hopefully... I have to loose some weight to assist my arms in pulling this bags of sand up that wall!

Owh... All that was not much... but something did get me down today... I think today was the first time I actually needed to talk to other people (other than malaysians) alone, amongst canadian and americans mostly...

Only god knows how i felt... It was kindda awkward but when i did get to talk and chat, I stammered! I couldn't get my words out! how awful... and for those who knows me... How pathetic I was, right?!?!?!

So I'm here in my shared room... Pondering on how i can improve my spoken english... So far I can't really see much routes that can be taken... But i have to somehow... I felt embarrasing and pathetic! God help me!

Well, enough rants for today... I need to pray and then read up on the anatomy lesson we'll be having tomorrow! How much better can a medical student's life get? I'll probably find out when more clubs and societies starts to get active!

nyte dude and dudettes! later days...


Humayra' said...

i haven't read ur essays for so long.. i was kept laughing the whole time today..
btw.. i'm linking u in my blog. hope u dont mind...